
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Snow Cream

1 gallon of snow*
1 cup milk (any kind of milk, almond, soy, whole or skim)
1 cup sugar
1/2 t vanilla

Gather snow into a big bowl.  In a separate bowl, stir sugar and vanilla into milk until sugar is dissolved.  Pour milk mixture over snow and stir until well combined.  Freeze in an plastic container immediately.

I made mine with Almond milk.  I'm super EXCITED about lactose free snow cream! I have some saved for when the peaches are ripe this July to see how it taste with fresh fruit!

*To gather the snow, let it snow for a little while to clear the air.  Then when there is a generous pile of fresh snow carefully lift off the top layer with a spatula until you have a big bowl full.

THIS is why you need to buy milk when it snows!

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